Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1988 — Van Dyke, Guanson to Peaee lnstitute Positions [ARTICLE]
Van Dyke, Guanson to Peaee lnstitute Positions
Jon M. Van Dyke and Lou Ann Guanson assumed their new appointments July 1 as first director and associate director, respectively, of the University of Hawai'i Institute for Peaee. Activities of the Institute involve curriculum development, research in peaee studies and eommunity outreach programs. For undergraduates, a Certificate in Peaee Studies has been developed (subject to University approval) and a master's in Peaee Studies program is being prepared for graduate students. Research programs now underway involve human rights issues in the Pacific island eommunity, regional conflicts in East Asia (Korea and Kampuehea in particular), eeonomie restructuring, and ethnic and religious conflicts. The community outreach component includes regular symposia at the University and throughout the state. A particular issue for the current year involves nuclear issues. Van Dyke has been a member of the UH's William S. Richardson School of Lawsince 1976, serving as associate dean from 1980 to 1982. He teaches international law and constitutional law and has
written widely on topics related to oeean law, human rights and constitutional issues. Professor Van Dyke eamed his B.A. at Yale University in 1964 and his J.D. at Harvard Law School in 1967, both eum laude. Van Dyke will divide his time between the Institute and teaching duties at the law school. He was elected to the post by the Peaee Institute's University Council, whieh consists of 40 members of the University community from all campuses across the state. Guanson comes to the Institute afer working as an executive for community nonprofit organizations since 1973. Among the organizations are the Kokokahi World Hunger Foundation, Utsonia: Center for Discovery, the YMCA, Life of the Land, the Hawaii Center for the Performing Arts and Dances We Dance. She earned her B.S. at Lewis and Clark College in 1972 and her Ed. D. at the University of Southem Califomia in 1988. The associate director is the fulltime administrator, coordinating the Institute's activities.