Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 8, 1 ʻAukake 1988 — Traveling Pre-School Program Proves Popular [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Traveling Pre-School Program Proves Popular

[// May be Pau with End of Federal Funding

A unique educational program — billed as the Traveling Preschool — is being offered this summer by Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate to families of rural Leeward and Windward O'ahu, as well as to families in Pauoa and Kalihi-Palama. The Traveling Preschool, whieh operated as a pilot program in Hauula and Kahana for nearly a year before expanding to 10 more O'ahu sites in May, began its summer session June 27 and 28. A mobile learning center for pre-kindergar-teners (0 to 4 years old), these preschools visit specified community locations twice a week for two hours eaeh day to share materials and activities with any family wanting to participate. The program is free and no pre-registration is needed. The only requirement is that an adult must remain with the children during program hours. Ka Wai Ola O OHA was at the first KalihiPalama session June 27 at Kaumakapili Church with about a dozen or so youngsters busily immersing themselves in the multitude of play things and educational tools teacher Andrea Shishido had laid out for them on the matted floor. This session usually meets at the adjacent Banyan Mall but it was drizzling that day and henee held indoors. There was storytelling, art, singing, reading, science, a sandbox and even a fly swatter to teach youngsters how to swat the insects whieh were drawn on square plastic cards with velcro attached to them. Shishido arrived at her location with all of the materials needed for the classroom. Adults and children helped unload and prepare the materials, using tables and grass mats as separate stations for eaeh learning activity. Onee everything was ready, the children moved from station to station, going through as many of the learning exercises as interested them. Aeeompanying adults were shown how to work with the children at eaeh station, and they were given tips on how to create other leaming activities using materials commonly found in and around their homes. The Traveling Preschool is part of a three-tiered KS/BE effort to address early education needs, particularly in the Hawaiian community. While the primary objective is to reach Hawaiian families, the program is open to all ethnic groups, Shishido emphasized. Added to the Traveling Preschools although still in the pilot stages of development, are a homevisitor program (Kupulani) aimed at children ( and parents of children) in the 0-3 age group, and a network of community-based preschool centers for four-year-olds. The two programs, however, may be forced to close as fast as it travels. Parents and social workers have high enthusiasm for the programs, especially on the Waianae Coast. The potential demise of the program is with federal funding. Onee the funding is pau, KS/BE may not continue the program. The Schools has asked for federal

money to carry them through next June 30. Monday, Wednesday Meetings June 27 to August 18 Koolauloa — Kahana Bay State Park orientation building; Sunset Beach Park. Kalihi-Palama— Kalihi Baptist Church lawn; Kaumakapili Church Banyan Mall. Waianae Coast — Paradise Chapel grounds (Maili); Pokai Bay Beach Park. Tuesday, Thursday Meetings June 28 to August 18 Koolauloa — Hauula Beach Park; St. Roch's Catholic Church ground (Kahuku).

Pauoa — Lineoln Elementary School grounds. Kalihi-Palama — Kalihi Kai Elementary School grounds. Wai'anae Coast — Puu Heleakala Community Center (Nanakuli); The Heritage Center (Makaha). All sessions begin at 9 a. m. and end at 11 a. m. For more information, eall program director Barbara Ariyoshi at 842-8461 or Heinne Kaaa at 293-9066.

This sign appears on King St. in the Kaumakapili Church yard every Monday and Wednesday through Aug. 18, inviting parents of prekindergarteners in the area to the free mohile learning center.

Teacher Andrea Shishido talks with a young mother whiie youngster is busy in an activity.

These three keikis are busy playing with pegs as two adults stand by to assist. Parents or grandparents are on hand during program hours.

This 14-month toddler plays with mop and broom.