Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1988 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Kamehameha is in Your Neighborhood w- lf? s J| -^īniie^ s %SStefe ' Whether you are from Kona, Kekaha or Kaunakakai, you are our neighbor! Kamehameha Schools' Regional Resource lt's important to us to be close to the Centers, located in Hilo, Kona, Wailuku, community, so you ean phone or visit KameLihu'e and Kaunakakai, are staffed by friend- hameha without making a long-distanee eall ly people, like Ron Kimhall of Moloka'i, who or flying to Honolulu. That's why we're here. are there to provide information and advice So eome by and visit sometime, neighbor! on Kamehameha's programs. There are edu- ^ftrh H'l >• 9T5 5580 ealional programs on all major islands, in- i$Ēj|p|k I ., °'. g„-Q cluding summer programs, pre-schools, eol- H f|8 H K u ..... lcge scho!arship programs and adul. tf I ^^53-3473 educat,on' Wailuku: 244-5449
OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Sulte 1500 Honolulu, Hawail 96814 US' p"fj Honolulu, Hawaii Permit No. 298