Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1988 — OHA Trustees Attend Mrs. King Reception [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

OHA Trustees Attend Mrs. King Reception

Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr. and Mau'i Trustee ■ Manu Kahaiali'i represented the agency at a City Hall reception for Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr. June 7 in Honolulu. The widow of the slain civil rights leader had just eome from the Governor's office, where she looked on as Governor John David Waihee III signed a bill naming the third Monday in January "Martin Luther King Day". Mrs. King told the crowd of about 200 that she

hoped the first observance of the new holiday would be "the biggest celebration that's ever been held" in Hawaii. Governor Waihee announced earlier that he would create an ad hoe committee to prepare for ihe observance. Hawaii is the 44th state to establish an official holiday honoring Dr. King. Mrs. King, before she left the islands, said she intends to visit the remaining six states: Arizona, Idaho, Montana, New Hampshire, South Dakota and Wyoming to urge similar legislation in those states.

Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr. gives Mrs. Martin Luther King Jr. a warm greeting at City Hall reception. Awaiting his turn behind Keale is Mau'i Trustee Manu Kahaiali'i.