Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1988 — Moʻolelo [ARTICLE]
Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs By H.K. Bruss Keppeler
Hui Pu 'Ia!
June 1 was the date and, at the invitation of Moses K. Keale Sr. (Hanalei HCC), Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs, representatives of the Hawaiian Civic Clubs and other Hawaiian organizations met with the trustees of OHA at the Willows to discuss the history of the ceded lands trust, OHA's entitlement (on our behalf) to a portion of the ineome derived from those lands and the problems created by the definition of "Native Hawaiian" for the purposes of deciding who the beneficiaries of this ineome are (see related story). Ali'i Sunday at Kawaiaha'o on June 5 honored Kamehameha I and the civic clubs were represented in-force . . . June 10 found a number of civic club members helping to decorate floats at Piers 10 and 11 for the Kamehameha Day Floral Parade the next day . . . The Kailua HCC gang, including Chris Faria, president, Na'i Doo, Hannie Anderson and many more members . . . decorated the King's float. Even Lila Medeiros (Pearl Harbor HCC), president of our O'ahu Council was there . . . Marlene Sai (Prince Kuhio HCC) and the Kamehameha Schools crew toiled over their prize-winning entry, too.
The next day found Toni Lee (Pearl Harbor HCC), chair of the sponsoring Kamehameha Day Celebration Commission, hard at work, along with Dennis Sai (Prince Kuhio HCC), the official "parade starter" . . . This was, as usual, a beautiful and very Hawaiian event . . . Mahalo to all who pitched in to kokua! On June 15, members of the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu paid special recognition to Haunani Apoliona, their president, for her winningest album at the Na Hoku Hanohano awards in May . . . It reminded your writer that, while listening to KCCN radio's coverage of the awards ceremony and anxiously awaiting an interview with Haunani, whieh had been announced by the KCCN interviewer, we overheard Haunani's familiar voice discussing a federal grant applieahon with the Station's Brickwood Galuteria in the background . . . Always on duty that Haunani . . . she works day times and, obviously, other times for Alu Like ine., the federally-supported Hawaiian social agency. On June 17, Prince Kuhio HCC held its annual "Kumuhana" at the lovely Borthwick home at Nu'uanu. At this event, the members brought baked goods, jellies and jams and other goodies to sell to other members with proceeds going to the club . . . add Kanikapila and a little 'inu and a good time was had by all. On June 18, the Association's Board of Directors met with a primary purpose of receiving reports from its Ad Hoe Committee on the planned eonstitutional convention of the Association. The committee is chaired by Linda Delaney (Prince Kuhio HCC). . . more on this later! Dates to reserve: July 9 for the Nanaikapono HCC Scholarship lu'au; contact Doreen Lindsey for tickets . . . July 18 for the quarterly meeting of the O'ahu CounciI's Board of Directors and on July 23 at 9 a. m. the CounciI itself meets at the Wai'alua home of Betty Jenkins (Ali'i Pauahi HCC), 68-231 Crozier Loop . . . Ali'i Pauahi is the major host club with assisting host clubs being Princess Ka'iulani, Wai'alua, Wahiawa and King Kamehameha. July 23 also is the day to piek up the ono ehili you purchased from Queen Emma HCC scholarship sale. Call Piikea Tomczyk or Betty Ogata for tickets . . . And be sure to reserve Aug. 11 when the second annual Prince Kuhio HCC golf tournament is scheduled. Call Ed Richardson or Ray Jellings for particulars. Whew! Eleu nui these clubs . . . a hui hou until next time.