Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1988 — Highest Oʻahu Heiau [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Highest Oʻahu Heiau
Mokaena Heiau on Kuaokala Ridge, Kaena, O'ahu, is the highest on the island at 1,000 feet above sea level. It was built by people from Kaua'i who settled on O'ahu. There are three platforms and eaeh one is different. This photo shows the middle platform. This is one of two temples on O'ahu whieh was dedicated to the sun. The other was at Kaneloa whieh was a part of Oueen Kapi'olani Park. These temples were only for a few who were sun worshippers and descendants of some of the original arrivals in Hawai'i. This temple had not been seen since 1930and was reported destroyed in 1962. It is still in excellent condition but the platforms are slowly being torn up by encroaching vegetation.— Earl (Buddy) Neller, archaeologist/OHA cultural specialist.