Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 Iulai 1988 — Hilo Teen Gets $8,000 Scholarship [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hilo Teen Gets $8,000 Scholarship
An $8,000 college scholarship and a ehanee to compete in the national finals of the Miss National Teen-Ager Pageant in August are two dreams eome true for Hilo's Caron-Anne Leilani Lee, who heeame Miss Hawaii Teen-Ager in May. Finalists are selected on the basis of scholastic development, leadership, poise, personality and appearanee. Miss Lee is scheduled to be a guest at the Washington state Miss Nahonal Teen-Ager pageant this month and she will compete in the national finals to be held Aug. 8 at the Outrigger Prince Kuhio Hotel in Waikiki.
Lee, 16, a junior at Waiakea High School in Hilo, is the daughter of Clifford W. and Lyron-Jean L. Lee. As Miss Hawaii Teen-Ager, Lee was awarded a full two-year tuition scholarship to Oklahoma City University. She also received a scholarship to the Barbizon School of Modeling in Honolulu as well as other prizes and gifts. At the Hawaii state pageant held May 7 at the Turtle Bay Hilton on O'ahu, Lee was second runner-up in the talent competition, and received the community service award for her work as a volunteer for the Commission on the HandicaoDed.
Her hobbies are photography, poetry, studying sign larfguage and genealogy. She also models for Kaniu K. Enterprises. Lee is active in school, church and family activities. She was a junior eouneil representative at her school and is a junior counselor for Hilo Pathfinders. She was also a participant last month in the OHA-sponsored 'Aha 'Opio Hawaiian Youth
Legislature. In March, Lee was a Big Island delegate to a two-week missionary project in Mexico. » As part of a 33-member delegation, Lee spent two weeks helping construct a church building, eooking and providing medical care and outreach. Her trip was sponsored by the Hawaiian conference of Seventh Day Adventists and the Hilo Seventh Day Adventist Church and community sponsors.
Caron-Anne Leilani Lee