Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — Our Readers Write. [ARTICLE]

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Our Readers Write.

Dear Debbie, Thank you so mueh for the marvelous article you did on the Hawai'i Ethnic Records Survey Project for the May issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA. The people at Kawaiaha'o Church called me as soon as they got their copies and asked me to relay their thanks also. And the project staff — Dolly Strazar at the State Foundation, the University people, and my advisory Council — have also been telling me what a fine article it is. I've also gotten a eouple of phone calls from people who want information on the project, and to share their materials with us — and a volunteer!!! I'm starting to plan for trips to Maui and the Big Island and will follow up with your suggestions for contact people there. I'll be sure to bring lots of copies of the article along with me. Again, many thanks for all your help and kind words. Sincerely, Mona Nakayama, Survey Coordinator Hawaiian Church Records Project April 29, 1988

Kenny and Debbie, Just wanted to say "Mahalo" for all your support for my work. You guys are doing a great job with the newspaper. I look foward to my issue every month. Aloha, Nanette (Napoleon Pumell) Editor: I was dismayed by the poison-pen letter printed in your paper in the June edition of Ka Wai Ola O OHA (p. 24). I have seen the video T AHITI WITNESS 5 times and have shown it to over 50 people from all walks of life, and none has nit-picked the way Jan Newhouse did in his letter. The message of Moanikeala Akaka's report is essentiallycorrect. The video,TAHITI WITNESS, records for all to see the miserable treatment Tahitians, Tuamotuans and Marquesans are receiving at the hands of the French military and eolonial bureaucrats. Newhouse's attack on Akaka, without having seen the video himself, is irresponsible. His position in support of continued French eolonial rule in Tahiti is a desperate attempt to deny the progress toward self-rule that third-world people have achieved or are in the process of achieving throughout the Pacific and world wide. Who is he to judge that Tahitians deserve only one fish, not three? It seems to me he has attempted to shoot the postperson who has brought him news he doesn't want to hear. The personal attack on Moanikeala is a eheap shot, to say the least. Sincerely, Marion Kelly Assistant Professor University of Hawaii