Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — Waimanalo Gets Totem-Style Statue [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Waimanalo Gets Totem-Style Statue
With no fanfare at all and little attention given by patrons frequenting McDonald's Restaurant of Waimanalo on the morning of May 27, native Hawaiian artist Rocky Ka'iouliokahihikolo'ehu Jensen erected a 7'6" statue whieh he sculpted in the totem style. This statue of triumph or Na 'Aumakua O Lanakila is a gift to the people of Waimanalo. It was commissioned by McDonald's of Hawai'i whose other art works by Jensen are found in Lahaina and Kahului. The totem style designates the overlay of clans, in this case the pueo and mano whieh guarded Waimanalo in ancient times. "Their magic eontinue to give off positive aspects, guarding its people through the annals of time," Jensen declared. The pueo, named Kauakaha, commemorates the small owl heiau situated just behind the old Waimanalo Mill. Kamohoali'i, the mano, eommemorates pohaku pa'akiki whieh is situated on the Waimanalo side of Kaupo Park whieh today is Sea Life Park. When it is low tide one ean still see this stone protruding above the waves. This shrine was extremely important to ka po'e Waimanalo. The face of the kanaka maoli in the center eommemorates all of the native ancestors of Waimanalo from Makapu'u to Bellows. Samuel Mamaki Kau'i, a Jensen ancestor, was a historian renowned throughout Ko'olaupoko and Ko'olauloa and an expert in the history of Waimanalo. Totems were sculpted in Polynesia but not many remain today. Hawai'i in fact has two or three of the very small type. The only remaining example of sculpted totemic design remains with the Maori. "I've re-introduced it into our cultural consciousness. Another re-introduction is the painting of the wood. Many of our statues were stained, dyed or painted. The black stands for the mano, the white for the pueo and the 'alaea for man," Jensen explained. He noted also that the kanaka maoli's eyes are mother of pearl inlay and those of the pueo are kapa. A formal dedication ceremony was scheduled by McDonald's for late June.
Rocky Jensen and his totem at McDonald's of Waimanalo.