Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — Description, Disposition of Ceded Lands [ARTICLE]

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Description, Disposition of Ceded Lands

Admissions Act Section 5: Ceded Lands Disposition Description Acreage 5(a) Lands owned in fee simple by the Territory of Hawai'i previous to Statehood. Includes the transfer of ceded lands at Sand Island the day before Admission. 600 5(b) Fee title transfer of the bulk of ceded lands from the federal to new State ownership. Includes: •Hawaiian Homes Trust Lands 188,000 •Public Trust Lands 1,200,000 5(c) Fee title lands retained by the federal government, Includes: •National Parks Lands 228,000 •Others 58,500* 5(d) Lands retained for federal use through Executive Orders, licenses and permits. Includes the Island of Kaho'olawe. 87,200* *5(e) Federal lands returned to the State within 5 years of Admission. 500 TotaI 1,762,800 *Section 5(e) was amended in 1963, by Public Law 88-233 whieh repealed the Admission Act's 5-year deadline for federal return of ceded lands. The newer law mandates eontinuing review and possible return of more than 145,000 acres of ceded lands still under national jurisdiction. Chart prepared by OHA Land and Natural Resources Division