Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — Some Facts on Nov. 8 OHA Election [ARTICLE]
Some Facts on Nov. 8 OHA Election
In its continuing effort to have Hawaiians register and to eome out and vote on Nov. 8, 1988, the Office of Hawaiian Affairs has produced a candidate fact sheet listing some important information on the election. There are four seats available in this year's eleetion with the incumbents being OHA chairman Moses K. Keale Sr., Kaua'i and Ni'ihau; Louis Hao, Moloka'i; Moanikeala Akaka, Hawai'i; and Thomas K. Kaulukukui Sr., at-large. The other five Trustee seats will be available in 1990 and are currently held by Rodney Keali'imahiai Burgess III, at-large; Clarence F.T. Ching, O'ahu; A. Frenchy DeSoto, at-large; Manu Kahaiali'i, Mau'i; and Kevin M.K. (Chubby) Mahoe, atlarge. Candidacy Requirements OHA Trustee candidates must be of Hawaiian ancestry and if running for the seat of a specific island must reside there. At-large candidates may live anywhere in the state. Candidates must be at least 18 years of age, registered to vote for OHA and not currently holding or running for any other public office. Voter Requirements OHA voters must be of Hawaiian ancestry, declared by signing the Office of Hawaiian Affairs Election section of the voter affidavit. Voters of all islands vote for all candidates and
while specific island candidates could lose on their own island, they could still win the election because they have won the majority of votes on a statewide basis. Nomination Papers OHA candidates must have a minimum of 25 registered OHA voters sign their nomination papers. Eaeh signature is verified as a registered OHA voter. As a security measure, it is probably best to have a surplus number of signatures in the event that some voter signatures are found to be invalid. For O'ahu residents, nomination papers should be filed at the Lieutenant Governor's office. Residents of other islands ean submit their papers to their respective County Clerks to time stamp and forward to the Lieutenant Governor. There is a filing fee. Deadline for candidates to file nomination papers is Sept. 9, 1988. Non-Partisan Election OHA candidates are non-partisan and as such need not declare a party ehoiee to run for office. OHA voters are also non-partisan when they vote in the OHA election. OHA Election Date There is only one OHA election. It is held at the same time as the General Election on Nov. 8, 1988.