Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — Three Isle Students in Peace Child Play [ARTICLE]
Three Isle Students in Peace Child Play
Three Kamehameha students will tour with different companies performing "Peaee Child," a bilingual (English/Russian) play promoting world peaee that is performed around the globe eaeh summer. Senior Kimo Pokini, junior Kaipo Schwab and sophomore Mama Baricuatro are Hawai'i's first participants in the play whieh is sponsored by a seven-year-old private non-profit organization based in Fairfax, Va. They were selected from among 14 Kamehameha drama students who auditioned for Steve Riffkin, a member of Peaee Child's board of directors who visited Hawai'i in March. Pokini will tour the Western U. S., Schwab will tour the Soviet Union and Baricuatro will tour Poland. Eaeh tour lasts about a month and takes plaee in June and July. Some 450 students, one-half eaeh from the United States and Soviet Union, will tour the two countries and Poland this summer in groups of 30. Eaeh will perform the same basic play, with unique variations. The play's plot revolves around a group of young people expressing their fears regarding a possible nuclear holocaust. Through dialogue, song and dance, the youngsters propose ways in whieh people ean achieve world peaee.