Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — Input Needed for Restitution Bill [ARTICLE]

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Input Needed for Restitution Bill

Federal legislation seeking restitution for illegal seizure of the Hawaiian kingdom in 1893 is being drafted by the Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation whieh has been assigned this task by the Office of Hawaiian Affairs. The legislation will eventually impact all Hawaiian people. The 1983 Native Hawaiian Study Commission in its dissenting report recommended that the U. S. Congress acknowledge the illegal actions of the United States in seizing the Hawaiian kingdom, and commit itself to making restitution to native Hawaiians for the loss of land and self-government. In order for NHLC to accomplish the task of addressing as many Hawaiian concerns as pos-

sible, it is requested that all interested persons of Hawaiian ancestry submit their written comments on this matter to the following: Restitution Project Native Hawaiian Legal Corporation 1270 Queen Emma St., #1004 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 There will also be public meetings on all islands to receive community input. Please eall 523-8447 or the OHA office on your respective island for time and location. Formal public hearings will be held at a later time should proposed legislation result from this initial draft.