Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — Page 5 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]
I . : s ' < <g-'; >. M-/ x ,-< , _ i Bank of Hawan is proud to sponsor the ^^MgMflMflflflfl| flflifl&frj Heritage Series, an exploration of the rich Hk Jfl cultural heritage of Hawaii and its people. -HHk /^fl^HHflP^>^^^H You won't want to miss these upcoming ^flfl ^^^^^^ggaflflflfl|Hflflfl|; programs including such topics as the 4,dtiflflflflflflflfl| Kumulipo (ancient Hawanan creation ^®flfl chant), the venerable Gabby I'ahinui, j^fiflflflflflMflfl Hawan's popular slack key guitarists and Jflfl> ^flfl| Hawaiian flora and fauna. Jflflf M ^flflflk ^flflflflflflB ĒĒr. You ean hear the Heritage Series at 12:30 fiPc m jfl flk ^ĒKĒĒĒ p.m. on the last Sunday of every month. JĒĒ fl ^Hfiflfljflfi^ |ust tune īn KCCN Radio, 1420 on your ^flflflfl^ AM dial. If you miss Sunday's program, Jjjj K jflk flfl. ^flflHflfi listen the following week on Wednes- JĒj fl Jflfi 8Bl wm day evemng at 7:30 p.m. when it will JĒj flkafl| flfljflflfl be rebroadcast. We hope you en)oy JĒ W flflfi^C ■ these programs. £ĒmĒ flfl^flflfi WĒr ^flflflflfl Bank of Hawaii h j A l) Bancorp Hawaii j * i M ™