Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 7, 1 July 1988 — OHA Chairman Makes Presentation to Eight [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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OHA Chairman Makes Presentation to Eight

Pilahi Paki's Aloha Spirit Award Goes to Nanakuli

Plaques were presented to several Nanakuli High and Intermediate School students, a faculty member and a prominent Nanakuli community leader for exemplifying the "Aloha Spirit" in leaming and working with others. The presentations were made by Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr. and Mau'i Trustee Manu Kahaiali'i during the school's last awards assembly June 7. In making the presentations, Keale told the students, "As you go through life, remember . . . it doesn't matter where you eome from. It is what you make of yourselves." Keale noted he was born on Ni'ihau and had to learn English as a second language. "One of these days," he said, "a number of you are going to be up there . . . representing your people as an OHA Trustee or Bishop Estate Trustee. But remember the aloha you have within you . . . and as you project it you make other people feel good about being Hawaiian and being in Hawai'i. The new Pilahi Paki Aloha Spirit Award, sponsored by West Beach Estates, is based on the aloha philosophy of widely respected Hawaiian scholar Pilahi Paki who passed away in 1985. Her moving translation of the word, "Aloha" was given during impromptu remarks at the 1970 Governor's Conference on the Year 2000. Mrs. Paki said: "I would like you to all understand that 'Aloha Spirit' is the coordination of mind and heart. It is within the individual. It brings you down in yourself. You must think and emote good feelings to others." 'A' stands for akahi . . . kindness to be expressed with tenderness. 'L' stands for lokahi . . . unity in the expression with harmony. 'O' stands for olu'olu . . . agreeableness, to be expressed with pleasantness. 'H' stands for ha'aha'a . . . humility to be expressed with modesty. 'A' stands for ahonui . . . pahenee to be expressed with perseverance. "These are the traits of character that express the charm, warmth and sincerity of Hawaiians. It was the working philosophy of my ancestors." The eight individuals who received the award are: Agnes K. Cope, community leader; Barbara Shi-

bayama, teacher; 01ivia Mencias, seventh grade; Darnella Kekino, eighth grade; Dawn Pilialoha,

ninth grade; Darlene Wilson, 10th grade; Juan Naputi, llth grade; Lonnie Luuloa, 12th grade.

Watching program at the tirst Pilahi Paki Aloha Awards ceremonies trom lett to right are Mau i T rustee Manu Kahaiali'i, Off iee of Hawaiian Affairs Board of T rustees Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr., Wai'anae Coast Culture and Arts Society Executive Director Agnes K. Cope and Nanakuli High School Principal Kenneth Hirohata.