Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 6, 1 Iune 1988 — June 11 Celebration Features Floats [ARTICLE]
June 11 Celebration Features Floats
Kamehameha Floral Parade a Rainbow of Colors
Tony Akana and the Pi'ilani School of Hula and Clifford Ahue and Halau Hula Ho'oula O Ka'ula, both of Maui, will be presenting hula kahiko and auana. Guests will be encouraged to enter the eoneh shell blowing contest with outstanding prizes going to the winners. There will also be a Hawaiian crafts fair in the Luau Gardens, featuring the arts and crafts of ancient and modern Hawai'i. Loeal style food and refreshments will also be available. Kamehameha Day parades or activities are also scheduled on other islands. Check your respective committees, organizations or loeal listings.
This is one of the many hula dancers who'll be performing in the Mau'i Marriott's King Kamehameha Day program June 11. This photo of an unidentified Maui dancer was furnished by Skinner Communications of Lahaina.
Symphony Band of Hiroshima, Japan. Preceding the parade on Friday, June 10, will be th6' statue decoration ceremonies beginning at 4:30 p.m. There will be songs, dances, speakers and the draping of the statue in flower leis, some more than 13 feet long. See the statue "eome alive" with these beautiful floral tributes. Many of the floats to be seen in the parade will be prepared and decorated beginning Thursday, June 9, and virtually throughout the night on Friday, June 10, at the piers. Members of the Hawaiian Civic Clubs and the memberships of various other organizations will be working feverishly on their respective entries. At Ka'anapali on Maui, the Maui Marriott will be holding its seventh annual King Kamehameha Day celebration on June 1 1 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the resort's oceanfront Makai Gardens. It features an outstanding lineup of island entertainers with Alaka'i Paleka of KPOA — FM as mistress of ceremonies. The lineup includes the Lim Family (Hawai'i); the Kaholokula's (Kaua'i); Three Scoops of Aloha, Na Mele Kane and Kapena (O'ahu). Kumu Hula
Everyone loves a parade and the 72nd Annual King Kamehameha Celebration Floral Parade on Saturday, June 11, will be another outstanding production put together by the sponsoring King Kamehameha Celebration Commission. It begins on O'ahu at 9:30 a.m. at the intersection of King and Richards Streets, fronting King Kamehameha's statue, down Punchbowl St., onto Ala Moana Blvd., Diamond Head on Kalakaua to Monsarrat, ending in Queen Kapi'olani Park. Everything will be in a rainbow of colors. There will be pa'u riders, floral floats, marching units, marching bands, dignitaries and many more units in a parade to honor the memory of King Kamehameha the Great. Among marching units and bands are loeal and mainland high schools, 0'ahu's military forces and others. Parade winners in various categories will be announced at the Queen Kapi'olani Park Bandstand where a ho'olaule'a takes plaee beginning at 11 a.m. An afternoon concert of popular and classical music, including traditional Japanese music and dance, will be presented at 1 p.m. by the Hiroshima
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