Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 6, 1 June 1988 — Creation Legend of Moanalua is Theme of 1988 Pnnee Lot Event [ARTICLE]

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Creation Legend of Moanalua is Theme of 1988 Pnnee Lot Event

The creation legend of Moanalua Valley figures as the theme this year of the llth Annual Prince Lot Hula Festival, Saturday, July 16, at Moanalua Gardens. Thirteen halau hula from Oahu and the neighbor islands are scheduled to perform both hula kahiko (ancient) and hula 'auana (modern) dances from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Admission is free but donations are welcomed to support the Foundation's environmental and cultural educational programs for schoolchildren and the public. Chairman of this year's festival, as in past years, if Office of Hawaiian Affairs T rustee-at-large Kevin M.K. (Chubby) Mahoe, assisted by co-host Vicky Maguire. Participating halau and their respective kumu hula are: Pua Ali'i 'Ilima, Victoria Holt Takamine, O'ahu; Emma Sharpe's Kapiolani Hula Studio, Emma Sharpe, Maui; Hula Halau O Moloka'i, Rachel Kamakana, Moloka'i; Halau Hula O Mililani, Mililani Allen, O'ahu; Kahiko Halapa'i Hula Alapa'i, Keli'ihonipua (Roselle Bailey), Kaua'i; Na Hula O La'i Kealoha, Elaine Kapuiki, Lana'i. Also Halau Mohala 'Ilima, Mapuana de Silva, O'ahu; Hui Park's Hula Studio, Hui Park, O'ahu; Halau Hula O Maiki, Coline Aiu Ferranti, O'ahu; Halau O Kalaha'eha'e, Sara Kau Kalauawa, O'ahu; Na Hanona O Ka Halau Hula Pa Ola Kapu, John Keolamaka'ainana Lake, O'ahu; Ka Pa Hula Hawaii, John Kaha'i Topolinski, O'ahu; and the Ladies of Kahanakealoha and Gentlemen of Maluikeao, Palani Kahala, O'ahu. A special appearance may be made as an offering to the festival by New Zealand's Waikato Maori Dance Ensemble, and its leader Princess Tomai, daughter of Maon Queen Ta'ata. The group, scheduled to do a world tour, has not yet been eonfirmed. Included in the day's program are demonstrations and displays of Hawaiian arts and crafts by

the Wai'anae Coast Culture and Arts Society, and Hawaiian games by the Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club. Fresh lei and festival t-shirts will be for sale. The creation legend of Moanalua Valley was told to Gertrude MaeKinnon Damon by the valley's ancient chantress and storyteller, Namakahelu. It tells of the time before and after the birth of the first inhabitant of Kamananui Valley, Kamawaelualani, son of Papa, earth mother and Wakea, sky father. His wife-to-be, the kapu princess Kahikilaulani, journeyed to him from afar in her eanoe, sailing up a stream into Kamananui Valley, bringing as presents for her future husband a bundle of ti leaves, a lehua tree planted in the earth, and an 'o'o bird. The Festival is unique in that is is a sharing of knowledge by kumu hula and not a competition. It is sponsored by the Moanalua Gardens Foundation, a non-profit educational organization. Additional support for the festival is provided by a grant from the State Foundation on Culture and the Arts and from the National Endowment for the Arts. Moanalua Gardens is located mauka of Moanalua Freeway near Puuloa road at the TriplerAirport interchange. Parking is available in the surrounding areas, but is limited. City buses No. 12 and 13 stop near the Gardens at Fort Shafter's Patton Gate.