Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 May 1988 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]
§KAMEHAMEHA SCHOOLS/BISHOP ESTATE EXTENSION EDUCA TION DIVISION Continuing Education Program for "Life Long Learning" Registration for adult evening classes now being accepted. Open to the public. Summqr: 1988 Monday, June 20 thru Monday, August 1, 1988 Registratiorir $15.00 adults, $5.00 children, where acceptable, perclass. Lab fee, where applicable, extra.
■ »■ 4 Day Time Lab Fee HAWAIIAN STU0IES OHANA EDUCATION Classical Guitar lnter. J 4 W 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Feather Lei Making W T 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Floral Lei Making / T 6:30-8:30pm $5 00 Genealogy M 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Handstitching aTeddy Bear W(3wks) 6:30-8:30pm $21,00 Hawn. Lang. 1st Sem. MW 6:30-8:30pm $5 00 Hawn. Lang. 2nd Sem. MW 6 30-8:30pm $5.00 Hawn. Lang. Through the Bible MW 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Hawn Crafts: Kupe'e, Ohe Kapala, Makau W 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Hisioric Sites: Maui T(3wks) 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Historic Sites: O'ahu T (3 wks) 6:30-8:30pm $5 00 Hula Auana Beg. M 6:30-7:30pm 55 00 Hula Auana lnt. M 7 30 8 30pm $5.00 Hula Kahiko Beg. W 6:30-8:30pm $5 00 Kihoalu Beg. M 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Kihoalu lnt. T 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Lauhala W 6:00-8:30pm $5.00 Launiu T 6:00-8:30pm $1100 Preparing For College: A family Matter M 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Ukulele Beg. T 6.30-8 30pm $5 00 Ukulele lnt. M 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 CAREER V0CATI0NAL E0UCATI0N Auto Maint. Beg. M 5.30-8:30pm $15.00 Auto Maint. Int. T 5:30-8:30pm $15.00 Basic Furniture Construction W 5:30-8:30pm $20 00
0ay Time Lab Fee CAREER V0CATI0NAL E0UCATI0N Making A Koa Rocker T 5:30-8:30pm $20.00 Screen Printing M 6:00-8:00pm $20.00 Welding T 5:30-8:30pm $25.00 Woodworking M 5:30-8:30pm $2000 Literacy Volunteers/Hawaii MW 6:30-8:30pm — C0MPUTER E0UCATI0N Hard Disk Mgt/lnt. D0S Sec. I M (3 wks) 5:30-7:00pm $25.00 Hard Disk Mgt/lnt. D0S Sec. II M (3 wks) 7:00-8:30 $25.00 lntro to APPLEW0RKS T 6 30-8:00pm $25.00 lntro to APPLE T 5:00-6:30pm $25.00 lntro to DBASE T (3 wks) 5 30-8:30pm $25.00 lntrotoL0TUS T(3wks) 5 30-8 30pm $25.00 lntro to PC/D0S Sec. I M(3wks) 5:30-7:00pm $25.00 lntro to PC/D0S Sec. II M(3wks) 7 00-8:30pm $25.00 lntro to IBM Sec. I W 5:00-6:30pm $25.00 ' lntro to IBM Sec. II W 6:30-8:00pm $25.00 HEALTH AND WELLNtSS CPR and First Aid M 7:00-8:30pm $10.00 La'au Lapa'au T 6:30-8:30pm $5.00 Low lmpact Aerobics T 7:00-8:30pm $5.00 Tennis, Beg. Sec. I MW 6:00-7:00pm $10.00 Tennis, Beg. Sec. II MW 6:00-7:00pm $10.00 Tennis, lnt. Sec. I T 5:30-7:00pm $10.00 Tennis, lnt. Sec. II T 7:00-8:30pm $10.00
ADULT BASIC SKILLS HIGH SCHOOL ŪIPLOMA PREPARATION Courses in grammar, writing, comprehension & math at Kapalama, Kahalu'u Punalu'u, Paukukalo, Maui, Molokai and Kauai.
Call 842-8279 or 842-8297
OFFICE OF HAWAIIAN AFFAIRS 1600 Kapiolani Blvd., Suite 1500 Honolulu, Hawaii 96814