Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 Mei 1988 — La Kukahekahe Climaxes Hawaiian Language Week [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
La Kukahekahe Climaxes Hawaiian Language Week
Hawaiian Language Week or Ka Pule 'Olelo Hawai'i was proclaimed by Governor John David Waihee III on Apr. 20 and observed throughout the state from Sunday, Apr. 24 through Saturday, Apr. 30. A Hawaiian language Hana Haipule was held Apr. 24 at Mauna 'Ala Chapel to get the week's program rolling. Besides various activities eonducted at schools and colleges on all of the major islands, O'ahu high school students in Hawaiian language classes had an opportunity to visit the University of Hawai'i at Manoa on Apr. 27 to learn about college opportunities in the Hawaiian language and Hawaiian studies fields. Over 400 students attended. The week-long observance was climaxed on Apr. 30 with La Kukahekahe or Hawaiian conversation day at He'eia State Park, formerly known as Matson Point and Ulu Mau Village. Ke Kai was the theme for this year's session as all activities focused on the sea and man's relationship to it. mm • wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmĒmmemKmimmmm
Fred Cachola, left, chairman of the Hawaiian Civic Political Action Committee (HACPAC) greets City Councilman Leigh Wai Doo.