Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 May 1988 — Auwe! [ARTICLE]
With apologies to Bishop Estate Trustee and Chairman of the Board Richard Lyman Jr., the word "meonopua" as used in the Apnl issue of this newspaper should have read "mea'ono pua'a." Apologies, too, to other Hawaiian word experts who called on the same subject matter. Also, the credit line in the same issue for photos taken at the La Ho'oulu Hawai'i workshop in Kaua'i was missing. It should have read "photos by Sabra Kauka McCracken." A typo in the Ho'olauna Pu Kakou story should have read that Kihei de Silva is an English and not mathematics teacher at the Kamehameha Schools. The Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HFDC), former!y a part of the Hawaii Housing Authority, wrote to this newspaper clarifying its involvement in a March story under the heading, "Mi$$ions in Grants Available to Native Hawaiians." "Neither HFDC nor the Hawaii County Eeonomie Opportunity Council (HCEOC) is involved with the Hawaii Home Prototype Project (HHPP)," writes Carleton Ching, HFDC project coordinator. Information for the story, written by Assistant Editor Deborah Lee Ward, was received from Ron Cettie, consultant for the Administration for Native Americans (ANA). Cettie has been impossible to reach at 833-2301, an Oahu answering service. Ka Wai Ola O OHA recently learned Cettie has relocated to Lawai, Kauai, where his telephone number is 742-7591. His address is P. O. Box 1079, Lawai, Hawaii 96765. V ; y