Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 May 1988 — SFCA Seeks Panelists for Funding Requests [ARTICLE]
SFCA Seeks Panelists for Funding Requests
Public-spirited individuals with experience in culture and arts and history and humanities are needed by the State Foundation on Culture and Arts (SFCA). Your ideas and talents ean help SFCA continue to enrich Hawaii's cultural milieu. In preparation for the 1989-91 biennial "Purchase of Service" applieahon review to be held this summer, the SFCA is seeking knowledgeable members of the community to serve on specialized panels that review requests from the community for funding in one of the following areas: Arts in education, community arts, folk arts/ethnic heritage, humanities, literary arts, media arts, performing arts (dance/theater and music/opera), or visual and environmental arts. Panels, composed of seven to nine panelists and chaired by a SFCA board member, review and make funding recommendations to the SFCA board. The final budget will be reviewed by the 1989 legislature for incorporation into the state's biennium (1989-91) budget. lnterested individuals must fill out a brief application whieh is available by calling the SFCA at 548-4145. Applications must be returned by May 15. Selections take plaee at the June SFCA board meeting.