Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 Mei 1988 — Great Entertainment Planned for May 30 [ARTICLE]
Great Entertainment Planned for May 30
Several graduate kumu hula of Halau Hula 0 Maiki and their halau, along with some great entertainers, will be performing in the Fourth Annual Founder's Day Celebration Monday, May 30, from 11 a. m. to 4 p. m. on the great Kahikolu lawn at St. Francis High School in Manoa. The program begins at Puck's Alley on University Ave., headquarters of Halau Hula O Maiki, with the 1.6-mile Hula Malie Run/Walk to Kahikolu, the memonal garden dedicated to the memory of Auntie Maiki. She is a graduate of St. Francis High School. There is a $10 donation for the celebrations with an additional $5 for those participating in the Hula Malie. A commemorative T-shirt is included in the fee.
Purpose of the celebrations is to raise funds towards realizing Auntie Maiki's dream of a school building where all people ean eome to learn Hawaii's culture and history through song and dance. Call the halau office at 955-0050 for all details. Office of Hawaiian Affairs Trustee Kevin M. K. (Chubby) Mahoe will onee more get the fun run/walk off to its prompt start and will also handle master of ceremonies duties at Kahikolu where there will be a Hawaiian luneh and sale of baked goods, leis and T-shirts. Participating kumu hula and their halau are Robert Cazimero and the Gentlemen of Na Kamalei; John Keola Lake and Na Hanona O Ka Halau Hula Pa Ola Kapu; Leinaala Kalama Heine and Na Pualei O Likolehua; Karen Aiu Costa and Na Wahine No Me Ka Ha'aha'a Mai Maiki; Momi Aarona Kepilino and St. Theresa's Hula Halau; Kuulei Punua and Hula Halau O Kuulei Punua of Kauai; Coline Aiu Ferranti and the host Halau Hula O Maiki. Entertainers include the Brothers Cazimero, Halona, Leinaala Kalama Heine and Kilauea. The release of hundreds of colored balloons with messages to Auntie Maiki will climax the day's ce!ebrations.