Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 May 1988 — Oahu District Council AOHCC Addresses Concern [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Oahu District Council AOHCC Addresses Concern
Positive Movement Pleases Two Kaleponi Officers
By Kenny Haina, Editor
Ka Wai Ola O OHA
Victor Ka'iwi Pang, formerly of Wailuku, Mau'i, and Jacqueline E. Judd, a former Honolulu resident, are so dedicated to the Hawaiian Civic Club movement — especially their own Ainahau O Kaleponi HCC in Orange County, California — that they spent the weekend of Apr. 9 at the quarterly meeting of the O'ahu District Council, Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, at the Kaneohe Senior Citizens Center. Specifically, they eame to seek answers to questions Pang had posed to Council President Lila Medeiros in a Mar. 23 communication regarding membership for themselves and the other mainland clubs in the O'ahu District Council. Medeiros responded in an Apr. 8 letter whieh was passed out at the Apr. 9 meeting. She answered specifically the four questions detailed by Pang and noted in her summary that "the issue here is not one of membership through the O'ahu District Council but development or establishment of mainland councils. If this assumption on my part is correct, it would be to your advantage to further pursue the formation of mainland councils."
Currently, Kaleponi is on a one-year "trial period" for observation, limited participation and interaction on Council goals, objectives, roles and responsibilities as part of the planning process on the future development of "mainland councils." Kinau Boyd Kamali'i, president of Pnnee Kuhio HCC, noted she was in agreement with the eoncems of Kaleponi. Her AdHocSpecialCommittee on District Formation, established atthe 1987 eonvention in Las Vegas, Nev., is currently addressing this issue and will be ready with recommendations at the 1988 convention Nov. 16-20 in Kona. Serving on Kamali'i's committee are Marlene Sai, Dexter Soares, Dawn Farm-Ramsey and Dr. George H. Mills. There were others who also discussed the issue and when the "smoke" cleared in the mandated no smoking state facility, the two Kaleponi officials expressed their mahalo with Judd adding, "this is the most positive thing we've ever had." It might be noted that the Kaleponi club has waged a five-year battle on this issue but as Kamali'i opined, a recommendation may be forthcoming by convention time through convention action or the proposed AOHCC Constitutional Convention. Pang is the new president of the Kaleponi club and Juddis immediate past president. She is one of 25 charter members of the club whieh was established in March, 1982, and got its charter at the November, 1982, convention at the Ala Moana Hotel. The membership currently totals over 200.
Native Hawaiian Pang, a 1956 graduate of St. Anthony School, joined the club a few months following the convention. After three years in the Army, he attended Orange Qoast College, California State University at Long Beach and graduated from the University of Redlands with a Bachelor of Science in Business. He has been a mainland resident for 27 years and is employed as a quality assurance specialist with Rockwell International at Seal Beach. He is married to the former Jane Moek of Palolo and they are the parents of two sons — Benton Keali'i Pang, a junior at the University of California at Santa Barbara, and Edmund Kamekona Pang, sophomore at the University of Arizona. Pang said Keali'i may take up Hawaiian Studies at the University of Hawai'i. Jane Pang, who has been just as energetic and active as her husband in virtually all phases of the club, is a elinieal specialist at the Rancho Los Amigos Medical Center in Downey, Calif. Pang's parents still live on Maui and he has relatives all over the islands. He visits as many as he ean when he comes over for the annual convention. Jackie Wehselau Judd, a former Kaimuki resident who graduated from Sacred Hearts Academy in 1948, is administrative secretary for the Criminal Justice Training Center at Golden West College. She is married to Julian Judd, 1944 graduate of Roosevelt High School and a retired electrician.
Jackie is a sister of Mariechen Wehselau Jackson, a member of the Punahou Class of 1924, who went on that year to win a gold medal in swimming at the 01ympic Games. Julian Judd worked at Pearl Harbor before transferring to Long Beach in 1962. His father, also named Julian, was a brother of the late Clement Judd. The Judds are the parents of three daughters and two sons. The "baby" of the family, Kanoelani, 22, was scheduled to take a court reporter examination last month. Both Pang and Judd reported that Ainahau O Kaleponi is a very active club, being involved in
many activities deahng with Hawaiian culture, tradition and education. They hold many fund raising activities to raise money to send children to Honolulu for the Kamehameha Summer explorations, scholarships (including vocational and post graduate) and of course, college. Their prize-winning choral group has appeared at many community and private functions and workshops in lei making, weaving, quilting, hula and others are held frequently. Officers of the four California clubs are scheduled to meet May 21 at Huntington Beach.
Victor Kaiwi Pang and Jacqueline Judd atthe Apr. 9 Oahu District Oouneil meeting.