Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 Mei 1988 — Volunteers in Action [ARTICLE]
Volunteers in Action
By Solomon Loo, Director Volunteer/Student Intern Program 1 The Office of Hawaiian Affairs is looking for volunteers in two programs aimed at getting new voters registered. The first is for volunteers who will be given an hour's training for a brief presentation to high school seniors on how to register to vote. These brief presentations will be given at Kailua, Castle, Roosevelt and Waianae High Schools where there are many Hawaiian students. Nanakuli High School has already been covered. The second program involves a two-hour training session to leam how to register new voters. These sessions are scheduled May 12 and 13 from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and on Saturday, May 14, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon. All sessions will be at the Lieutenant Governor's office. If you are interested in any of these programs, or have a question, please eall 548-8960 (days) or 2613285 (evenings). Have you ever wondered why people volunteer time and energy for OHA? Here are some reasons given by a few who have contributed time and energy. Vivian Luning, Hawaii Kai: "After seeing the television report on the rally at the State Capitol to support Hawaiians and their right to sue, I knew 1 had to get involved." Cynthia Torres, Kailua-Kona: "Because I feell ean leam more about OHA's purpose. It is very important for me to try and leam the purpose, so that some day I ean be of greater help to others." David Eskaran, Laie: "I just feel a need to be of service and feel this is a way of 'giving' to the Hawaiian community." Kuulei Mata, Pearl City: "I see a need to get Hawaiian people to vote, it's so very important." Wanda Wahineokai, Kailua: "I want to help the Hawaiian community." Roger Kepo'o, Waianae: "My desire to work with our Hawaiian organizations. Me-Ke-Aloha!!" Nina Shelofsky, Makiki: "Exterior skin haole, interior heart Hawaiian." Luka Spencer, of McCully: "I'm a Hawaiian first, and I feel I ean donate some time towards this to better ourselves." William Awana, Kailua: "To keep busy since I'm retired." Ellen Owens, Shadow Clark and Julia Lagunero are updating OHA's Directory of Community Resources for eaeh of the islands.