Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 May 1988 — Schools Compete May 14 in Hula Kahiko [ARTICLE]

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Schools Compete May 14 in Hula Kahiko

The llth Hawai'i Secondary Schools Hula Kahiko Competition, featuring more than a dozen schools in the intermediate and high school divisions, takes plaee Saturday, May 14, at 10 a.m. in the Brother Stephen McCabe Gymnasium on the St. Louis School campus. It is onee more being sponsored by the KalihiPalama Culture and Arts Society ine,, an independent community-based non-profit organization in the heart of Kalihi at 357 N. King St. The competition is also supported in part by the State Foundation on Culture and Arts. Wendell K. Silva, KPCAS executive director, is again coordinating the competition. He is being assisted by a whole host of volunteers, including members of his immediate family. King Intermediate School, Moloka'i Intermediate, Dāmien Memorial High School/St. Andrews Priory, Punahou and Pearl City High School were

the 1987 winners. Fourteen schools, three in the intermediate division, entered last year's competition. Silva reported there are 15 entries this year, three in the intermediate division and 12 among the high schools. Tickets are $2 and they may be purchased at the Society's office or from participating groups. lntermediate entries are: King, Wahiawa and Kaimuki. High School: Kamehameha, St. Andrews Priory, Damien Memorial, Honokaa, Leilehua, Pearl City, Punahou, lolani, Moanalua, Campbell, Farrington and St. Louis. Outstanding Hawaiian language and hula exponents, including Pat Namaka Bacon, MaeLoebenstein, Edith McKinzie, Kimo Alama, Thaddeus Wilson, Malia Craver, Elaine Mullaney and Mileka Kanahele, will be the judges.