Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 May 1988 — Waianae Halau Has July Appearance in Massachusetts Folk Festival [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

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Waianae Halau Has July Appearance in Massachusetts Folk Festival

Kumu Hula Mililani Allen and her Halau Hula O Mililani from Waianae have been invited to the 50th National Folk Festival at Iowa, Mass., during a three-day celebration in July. This year's festival has taken on an artisan theme titled, "Knots." Allen has composed a mele whieh tells of the different types of knots used by the Hawaiians and how we are tied to the people of Massachusetts. There will be 14 men and women dancers from the halau who will be performing hula kahiko. The halau will also demonstrate the art of lei making. This is the second festival invitation for the halau whieh first appeared in 1986 at the Statue of Liberty celebration in New York City. Allen said her group is very excited and looking forward to reaching out to others and "furthering our knowledge."

Funds, however, are needed and the halau will be holding several fund raising events. Donations are always weleome and appreciated. Full particulars may be obtained by calling 696-2145. The Folk Festival honors arts that are deeply traditional (music, crafts, stories and dances) passed down through time by families, eommunities and ethnic groups.

Here are two of the dancers from Kumu Hula Mililani Allen's halau from Waianae who will be in the Massachusetts Folk Festival at lowa in late July. They are shown here performing at the Apr. 13 memoranda of understanding signing between the Office of Hawaiian Affairs and the Sto:lo lndian Oouneil of British Columbia.