Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 Mei 1988 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

'ltalian culinary delights iound in Hawaiian paradise... My mouth watered as i read the menu," Rlchard Nelson — S.F. Chronlcle Try a fresh approach to Continental cuisine, featuring a unique selection of regional dishes served in a contemporary style. You've never tasted food like this prepared so well at such reasonable prices. Please join us for luneh or dinner.

I OAHU SELF-HELP HOUSING CORPOFIATION I - ^ 200 N. Vineyard Blvd., Room 401 3 Honolulu, Hawaii 96817 3 Telephone (808) 545-4133 BUILD Y0UR OWN HOME F0R AS LOW AS $30,000 M f Oahu Self-Help Housing Corporation is a M V non-profit, private corporation providing M k administrative and technical assistance to M -m M families who build their own homes through M J ^^M ■ the team self-help method. We are looking M I ^H ^H ■ for qualified families with leases on I Hawaiian Homelands, who are interested in I building their own homes. Your "sweat equity" ■ ■ ^^H ^ M saves about 50% of the house cost. We have ■ emm HHl HH k ^ ^^H M already helped 24 families on Oahu to build H ^H ^^M M double wall 3 bedroom, lh bath homes of 1,104 H ^H ^^M M square feet. You could be ! Look for the ^H ^^M M date and time of loeal workshops in your ^H M F0R M0RE INF0RMATI0N CALL 0SHHC AT 545-4133.