Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 5, 1 Mei 1988 — 72nd Annual Celebration June 11 [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

72nd Annual Celebration June 11

Kamenamena Fioral Parade Aiwavs uolonul Event

The 72nd Annual King Kamehameha Celebration FIoral Parade on Saturday, June 11, will see a colorful array of pa'u riders, floral floats, fancy dressed mainland and Hawaii marching units and bands and dignitaries to honor the memory of Kamehameha the Great. It will start at 9:30 a.m. at the intersection of King and Richards Streets, down Punchbowl St., onto Ala Moana Blvd., to Kalakaua Ave., diamond head on Kalakaua to Monsarrat Ave., ending at Queen Kapi'olani Park. A Ho'olaule'a — Na Hana Noe'au O Hawai'i — will be held at the park at 11 a.m. with Hawaiian arts and crafts displays and demonstrations, including quilting, coconut weaving, medicinal plants, lei making, feather work, tapa making, etc. The Hiroshima Symphony Band of Japan will

play at 1 p.m. at the bandstand, presenting an afternoon concert of popular and classical music, including traditional Japanese music and dance. At 2:30 p.m. from the same bandstand will be the presentation of awards to the various winning units in the annual parade. Preceding the big June 11 parade and activities, however, is the statue decoration ceremonies in front of Ali'iolani Hale (Judiciary Building) at 4:30 p.m. Friday, June 10. It will feature songs, dances, speakers and the draping of the statue with flower leis, some of them measuring 13 feet. The statue ceremonies are always a photographer's delight and the public is invited to see King Kamehameha "eome alive" with these beautiful tributes. This is a function of the King Kamehameha

Celebration Commission whieh has announced its 1988 theme as "Na Oiwi E Ho'okaika I Na Kupono — Striving for Excellence." All of the activities, except for the June 24-25 hula competition, are free. See separate story in this issue on the hula competition. S ZT _ _ . X

Parade lovers ean expect to see a float like this from the 1987 King Kamehameha Floral Parade on Saturday, June 11. The 72nd annual event will be filled with color.