Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 4, 1 April 1988 — Moʻolelo [ARTICLE]

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Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs By H.K. Bruss Keppeler

Malaki was certainly Hawaiian Civic Clubs month . . . It kicked off with O'ahu Council's Ho'ike'ike, held in March eaeh year at the Bishop Museum (see related story) . . . the "Celebrity Auetion" of delicious lunches and dinners, starting with one donated by Governor John Waihee (Kalihi-Palama HCC), was a $uccess with proceeds going to the Museum's education fund . . . Not to be outdone by Peter Ching (Pearl Harbor HCC) who offered a gourmet dinner at his home . . . with limousine service to and fro, auctioneer Annelle Amaral (Ali'i Pauahi HCC) countered with limotruck service to her donated meal: "You know da kine . . . two lawn chairs in back da ole piek-up" . . . we are colorful!

Speaking of colorful, the Civic Clubs from O'ahu, out in force, all spruced up and looking gorgeous in their regalia, marching in solemn procession at Kawaiaha'o Church on Mar. 20 . . . Ali'i Sunday for our founder Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole . . . Could this rea//y be the same gang we saw in their work (and play) clothes at the museum? Thoughtful comment by Jalna Keala (Ali'i Pauahi HCC), president of the Association, and musical tributes by Haunani Apoliona (Honolulu HCC), were the frosting on the eake. Kahu William H. Kaina (Pearl Harbor HCC) officiated, of course.

The Kawaiaha'o services were followed by two traditional ceremonies held Mar. 25 and 26 . . . At the first, held at the federal building, music by Phnee Kuhio HCC Chorus and The Royal Hawaiian Band was followed by speeches, a tree planting, arts and crafts, and mea'ai . . . Then, on the Prince's birthday, at Mauna 'Ala the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu hosted comemoration and ho'okupu ceremonies. The commemoration was held inside the newly-restored ehapel . . . Joining with the Civic Clubs were the royal societies and other organizations . . . Speakers were Jalna Keala, 'Ilima Pi'ianaia and Abigail Kekaulike Kawananakoa . . . That Honolulu club really had a

busy day: also on Mar. 26, at O'ahu Country Club, it presented its traditional Holoku Ball, styled "My Sweet, Sweeting". Mahalo to Lehua Conrad, honorary chair, and Pilialoha Lee Loy, general chair, for a most nostalgic evening . . . such class! We are a handsome people! March 26 has to go down as a real day: Onee pau at Mauna 'Ala, we all drove to Turtle Bay for the fashion show and luneheon sponsored by the Ko'olauloa HCC only to double back for "My Sweet, Sweeting" that evening. The Ko'olauloa group outdid themselves at the show and luneheon . . . always a treat!

Meanwhile, two of our own were recognized as leaders of choral participants in this year's Hawaii Opera Theatre Season: Dorothy Gillette (Princess Ka'iulani HCC) led the Kamehameha Alumni Glee Club in its opera debut and Nola Nahulu (Pearl Harbor HCC) is the director of the Children's Opera Chours . . . more classy stuff.

HACPAC, active as ever lobbying at the legislature, hosted a reception for elected officials on Mar. 24... Fred Cachola (Wai'anae HCC), HACPAC chair, welcomed our guests . . . Terrific opportunity to "talk story" with our 'elele . . . Neighbor islands? Check this out: Walter Victor Jr. (Laupahoehoe HCC) and crew served 'ono luneh at the Hawai'i Council meeting Feb. 27 . . . Ann Nathaniel (Prince David Kawananakoa HCC) presided . . . Rose Fujimori (Kona HCC) huddling with Bishop Museum Association to eosponsor a special Museum event in Kona early May . . . Sonny Fernandez (Central Maui HCC) and Unele Bill Char (Ho'olehua HCC) meeting with Moloka'i members . . . Kaua'i Council members active in Prince Kuhio commemoration at his birthplace in Koloa.

We're everywhere! Kalakaua HCC, Lili'uokalani HCC, 'Ainahau o Kaleponi HCC and Utah HCC met in Las Vegas Mar. 19-20 . . . Lawa . . . Hiki no? Keep those "items" coming! A hui hou!