Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 4, 1 April 1988 — Toni Lee is New AOHCC First Vice President [ARTICLE]

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Toni Lee is New AOHCC First Vice President

Antoinette (Toni) L. Lee, widow of Benson W. K. Lee Sr., was elected first vice president of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs at the Feb. 20 Board of Directors meeting in the Kamehameha Schools' Akahi Dining Room complex.

Mrs. Lee fills a vacancy created by the elevation of Jalna Keala as AOHCC president. Office of Hawaiian Affairs Board of Trustees Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr., who also serves as AOHCC ehaplain, installed the two women officers. Lee, who had been in his third year as AOHCC president, died suddenly on Jan. 19. Mrs. Lee is also the Association's convention administrator. In other action, the Board authorized the creation of a seven-member Association Constitutional Convention Planning Committee chaired by Linda Kawai'ono Delaney. A $500 appropriation was also approved.

Recommended dates, location and preliminary rules for the AOHCC Con-Con are to be submitted by the committee at the next Board meeting scheduled for Saturday, May 14, at the Punalu'u home of Dr. George and Barbara Mills. The Board also received a written report from Fred Cachola, president of the Hawaiian Civic Political Action Committee (HACPAC). The report contained followup action regarding convention-endorsed resolutions. Based on the 1988 legislative session, the Board authorized HACPAC and Association support for:

• Enhancing the Hawaiian Studies Program at the University of Hawaii Manoa campus, with a commitment to the building of a Hawaiian Studies Center and retention of the Kanewai lo'i. • Encouraging passage of SB 2625 whieh would maintain Pue'a and Pu'ukamali'i (also known as Kalaepohaku) cemeteries in plaee rather than disinterring more than a thousand graves for consolidated reburial at Makiki. Dexter Soares, chairman of both the AOHCC and Oahu District Council Education Committees, distributed a written report and announced that the next "Ha'aheo O Hawaii Conference" on native Hawaiian educational issues will be held Apr. 16 at Leeward Community College. A full report on this conference was carried in the March issue of this newspaper.