Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1988 — Silky Aloha Shirts, Colorful Holomuʻu Accent Hoʻikeʻike [ARTICLE]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Silky Aloha Shirts, Colorful Holomuʻu Accent Hoʻikeʻike

Dust off the silky aloha shirt that's been stored away for years and years and put on your most colorful holomu'u for a day of nostalgia and fun at Ho'ike'ike 1988 during the Bishop Museum's Family Sunday Mar. 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. It is being put on by the Association of Hawaīian Civic Clubs with free admission to the grounds and all exhibits. Proper identification is required. "Among Our Souvenirs," is this year's theme featuring a hula contest for young people ages 12 to 17 who must perform a hula to a song written by Alex Anderson ("Pretty Red Hibiscus," "White Ginger Blossoms," "Lovely Hula Hands," etc.). Fashion designer Nake'u Awai is providing the prizes for the hula contest and he also has a long list of other Anderson compositions for those youths who plan to compete. The contest is one way a club ean showcase its na opio. Sherry Evans of the Ko'olauloa HCC, who is again serving as chairman of the Ho'ike'ike, announced several changes in logistics for this, the 18th year of the program and third at the Museum. Location changes are: ■ Entertainment will be in front of Hawaiian Hall rather than on the Great Lawn near Shop Pacifica. The Bishop Museum Association, Oahu District Council membership, voter registration, information table and stroller parking will be on the right side. ■ Hawaiian Civic Clubs involved in selling, demonstrations and exhibiting their crafts will be

on the Great Lawn. ■ Eight food booths will be in the same location in the area of the Japanese exhibit building. ■ Children's activities under Toni Lee will be in the amphitheater behind Atherton Halau. There will be many keiki activities as well as their own entertainment and Aunty Toni's popular treasure hunt. ■ For older children and teenagers, Awai will have a T-shirt Jaboree inside the Halau. There will also be seven T-shirt vendors from around the island and entertainment will be by the dancers of the Kamehameha Schools Dance Club. ■ Commercial vendors will be in the Halau and the area surrounding it. ■ Various Hawaiian choral groups will be featured inside Hawaiian Hall throughout the day. The popular Celebrity Box Luneh auction will again be held with various celebrities, including Association officers and individual clubs, donating pienie baskets, gourmet cooking or food certificates. T omi Downey Chong is in charge of this activity as well as the commercial vendors. Proceeds from the auction and food booths manned by individual clubs go to their respective scholarship funds. Eighteen of the 22 Oahu clubs were participants in last year's festivities. Join the Hawaiian Civic Clubs for a day of Ho'olokahi, education, fun, fellowship, entertainment, games food and relaxation.