Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1988 — Through Rippling Energy of 'Wave' [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Through Rippling Energy of 'Wave'
Awesome Potential of Hawaiian Power Displaved
By Deborah Lee Ward, Assistant Editor Ka Wai Ola O OHA There was something for everyone at Ho'olokahi, and the enthusiastic crowds made it an event to remember. The rippling energy of the almost unstoppable "Wave" in whieh the entire throng participated, was an awesome indicator of the potential power that a united Hawaiian community could wield in other ways. However, the happy party atmosphere did not obscure the real thrust of this special day's program — Hawaiian unity — whieh concluded events in the Year of the Hawaiian. Among the many people Ka Wai Ola O OHA talked to, there was a constant theme of appreciation for this event, and a sense of awakened pride in our Hawaiian heritage: Entertainer Marlene Sai, co-coordinator of Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate's centennial events, called Ho'olokahi "a fremendous effort and success for all in the Year of the Hawaiian." Wayne Chang, kumu hula, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate, said: "lt could be a first in magnitude, and in terms of Hawaiians who are able to handle all aspects of putting together this event. Hopefully it is the first of many more to eome. It was about time to show how the majority of Hawaiian people ean eome together for the last event in the Year of the Hawaiian." Frank Hewett, kumu hula, musician, composer, shared his vision of Hawaiian unity: "It is good and beautiful to see so many Hawaiians in one plaee at one time, for relaxation and enjoyment. It shows how mueh we ean accomplish if we support eaeh other. It would be even more beautiful if one Hawaiian in trouble had 50,000 more to back him up. When there is a cause or struggle, to just show a face that says "We back you up." To stand behind someone who needs help — that is to be supportive, no matter what, to help them out. That's what I believe."
Rolling with the "wave" is this mixture of oldtimers and youngsters.
The crowd enjoyed the entertainment and joined in the hand-clapping.