Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 3, 1 Malaki 1988 — Resolution Honors Family of the Year [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Resolution Honors Family of the Year
The Council of the City anel County of Honolulu on Feb. 10 honored the John and Lydia Aki family, proclaimed by the Honolulu Advertiser as Hawaii's 1987 Family of the Year, during a brief presentation program at Honolulu Hale. Councilman John DeSoto, who introduced the resolution, made the presentation. The American Family Society in 1982 established the Great American Family Awards Program wherein families nationwide are honored in their communities. Since 1983, the Child and Family Service and the morning daily have promoted the value of family life through their support of the Hawaii Family of the Year Award. The award is based on the family's teamwork, community service and support for one another and for others. The resolution notes that the family — John Jr., Lydia, Keoni,- Johnathan, Naomi, John Sr. and Cecelia, along with nephews
Peter, Cyril and Andrew Choy — had gone through drastic changes in their lives when an investment deal went bad, losing $170,000. The family considered that ordeal as a "blessing in disguise" because they stuck together and worked things out with mueh sacrifice and support of eaeh other. This included moving to a smaller home than anticipated, taking on additional jobs and doing more spiritual things together. The family recently decided to undertake the task of building an addition to the house whieh is an all-in-the-family affair during weekends and spare time. The family's greatest "asset" has been the love that abounds in its own personal and community interactions. The resolution extends best wishes and congratulations to the family for the honor they have received and commendation for sticking it out despite their misfortune.
Part of the members of the John Aki Family of the Year is shown in this Honolulu Hale session during whieh time a resolution was presented by Councilman John DeSoto.