Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1988 — Scholarship Recipient Returns as President of Queen Emma HCC [ARTICLE]
Scholarship Recipient Returns as President of Queen Emma HCC
The Queen Emma Hawaiian Civic Club at its November general membership meeting elected Lori Piikea Tomczyk as president, succeeding Betty Ogata. Other officers serving with Tomczyk in 1988 are: Shirley K. Kamakele, vice president, newsletter editor and public relations; Charlotte Cathcart, treasurer; Rawleen Fisher, recording secretary; Gerry Alama, Peggy Arciero, Nona Frank, Ellen Kalahele, Audrey Moon, Flora Oandasan and Edith Rahe, directors. Also, Dorothy Belz, sergeant-at-arms; Betty Ogata, ex-officio; Elaine Mullaney, president emeritus; and Annie Kini, ehaplain. The club's board of directors at its December meeting announced the following committee appointments: Betty Ogata, parliamentarian; Kamakele, public relations; Peggy Arciero, scholarship; Gerry Alama, ho'okupu '89; Elaine Mu!laney, budget and finance; Flora Oandasan and Shirley Kamakele, constitution and by laws and non-profit; Edith Rahe and Mary Lou Kekuewa, Na Mea; Alama, Aloha Week and Lei Day; Ellen Kalahele, program; Alii commemoration, Kalahele; Charlotte Cathcart, convention; Rawleen Fisher and Mullaney, Na Opio; Esther Nakoa, Lunalilo Home; Flora Oandasan, sports; Kay Nakoa, volleyball; bowling, to be announced; Nona Frank, Ho'ike'ike; Raw-
leen Fisher, Christmas and installation; Peggy Arciero, hospitality; Audrey Moon, Festival of Trees; Na Opio, anniversary dinner; Tomczyk, awards; Charles Ogata, historic sites and heiau; Flora Oandasan, assisted by Kekuewas, historian. According to the December 1987, issue of "The Queen's Letter," the club newsletter, Queen Emma HCC was unusually busy during the year of Ho'olako. Among the myriad of projects and involvements, the club undertook an Adopt-a-Kupuna project and chose Lunalilo Home for the Hawaiian elderly. They visit the home at 6:30 p. m. every last Friday of the month to put on a program. For Christmas, the club entertained at the home's luneheon, featuring a hula performance by its Na Opio, Christmas carols by the choir, a yuletide story by Sarah Nakoa and littie goodies for the patients. Rawleen Fisher donated a Christmas tree and Edith Rahe gave a Christmas wreath made by Phyllis Chan. Tomczyk was a recipient of the club's scholarship fund. She also served as corresponding secretary. The newly-elected president graduated in 1986 from Seattle University with a degree in psychology. Her acceptance of the club presidency "is my thanks to you," she wrote. "I hope 1 ean lead well and enthuse more participation. Yoursupport and patience will guide us through the coming year, one whieh I hope will be successful as were those of the presidents before me," she concluded.