Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1988 — Second Session Convenes [ARTICLE]
Second Session Convenes
H. Con. Res. 199, concerning the Soviet missile firings near Hawai'i, passed the House Oct. 20 and is presently in the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. For your information, concurrent resolutions generally are used to make or amend rules applicable to both houses or to express facts, principles, opinions, or sentiments of the two houses. A concurrent resolution must be passed by both houses but does not require the signature of the president and does not have the force of law. H.R. 278, the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act Amendments of 1987, passed the House and subsequently the Senate passed it amended. On Dec. 21 the House agreed to the Senate amendment with an amendment, and on the following day the Senate agreed to the House amendment. I will have more details to report on this important bill
during the coming weeks. H.R. 442, the Japanese-Americans reparations bill, passed the House Sept. 17, and in the Senate it had been ordered placed on the calendar on Sept. 22. S. 828 (H.R. 2472), the National Telecommunications and Information Administration Authorization bill, is presently in the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. This bill includes the restoration of PEACESAT, the telecommunications satellite station in Hawai'i. In conclusion, I will keep you informed of the foregoing legislation and others as they progress in the legislative process. And since this is a presidential eleehon year it would be wise to study and examine the presidential candidates carefully in order to see who would be supportive of Hawaiian issues in the next four years.