Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1988 — Bishop Honored with Services, Coin Minting [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Bishop Honored with Services, Coin Minting

Kamehameha Schools Bishop Estate paid tribute in January to the memory of Charles Reed Bishop, husband of Bernice Pauahi Bishop and benefactor of numerous Hawai'i charities, with three student services and the minting of a eommemorative eoin in his honor. Seven hundred Kamehameha Elementary School (KES) students participated in a Founder's Day ceremony Jan. 22 at Kekuhaupi'o Gym on the high school campus. Bishop founded Kamehameha's Preparatory Department in 1888. Grades 7 and 8, whieh were a part of the original Prep School, celebrated Founder's Day on the 166th anniversary of Bishop's birth, Jan. 25, with a memonal service at Mauna 'Ala. Forty students lead the ceremony, whieh is traditionally attended by KS BE trustees and dignitaries from eommunity organizations, business and government.

Formal observance of Founder's Day for all 520 Kamehameha seventh and eighth graders was held that afternoon in Keawe Gym on the intermediate campus. In conjunction with this tribute to Bishop, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate hosted a ceremony celebrating the minting of KS/BE's third Centennial Coin on Monday, Jan. 25, at the Royal Hawaiian Mint, 812 Mapunapuna St. The Charles Reed Bishop eoin joins the Pauahi and Kamehameha I coins as the third in a threeeoin set commemorating Kamehameha Schools' centennial. As with the two previous coins, the C.R. Bishop eoin will be minted in gold, silver and bronze, and all who purchased a "blank" on the date of the minting were invited to press their own mementos.

The first minted coins in the series are held and displayed from left to right, by Governor John David Waihee III, Bishop Estate Trustee and Chairman of the Board Richard Lyman and Lieutenant Governor Ben Cayetano.