Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1988 — International Festival of Pacific Arts [ARTICLE]
International Festival of Pacific Arts
Hawaiian Craftspeople, Artists Being Sought
Men and women skilled in traditional Hawaiian crafts and art forms, as well as artists who take these arts into contemporary forms to express Hawaiian cultural themes, are encouraged to apply to represent Hawai'i at the Fifth Pacific Festival of Arts in Townsville, Australia, August 14-27. Purpose of the Festival is to preserve, perpetuate and enhanee Pacific cultural heritage and awareness in an effort to uphold tradition and develop an appreciation for similarities and differences among cultures and lifestyles. The Festival brings together representatives from Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia to share their native arts in this two-week pageant. At the request of Governor John David Waihee III and the State Foundation on Culture and Arts, the Kamehameha Schools has been designated the primary agency for coordinating Hawai'i's participation in the Festival. There are two major eomponents to the Festival — Performing Arts and Visual Arts. Momi Naughton will coordinate the Visual Arts portion of the Hawai'i delegation and she is seeking talented craftspeople and artists who are interested in representing Hawai'i at the Festival. Her committee is specifically looking for people skilled as carvers, quilters, lauhala, 'ie'ie and floral lei weavers, tapa and hula impiement makers and
feather workers, as well as contemporary artists. All interested persons are encouraged to apply by filling out the attached eoupon and mailing it to Naughton, or by calling her at 988-4665 (evenings and weekends) or Linda Legeyt at 538-3693 (days). Because the Schools' administration believes that there are important educational benefits to be derived from participating in the Festival, eaeh craftsperson selected will be assigned one Kamehameha student to serve as a haumana and assist them in presenting their displays. It is hoped that
by working with master craftspeople, the students will receive a rare learning opportunity. Hawai'i's delegation to the Festival will be chaired by Kamehameha Schools Trustee Myron Thompson and coordinated by Kamehameha Financial Aid Director Bob Worthington. The Performing Arts portion of the delegation will be coordinated by Kamehameha Schools Music and Drama Department head Randie Fong, and eomprised entirely of Kamehameha students.
i ; | Visual Arts Application 5th International Festivcil of Pacific Arts 1988 Hawai'i Delegation 1 1 am an artist/craftsperson interested in representing Hawai'i at the Festival of Pacific Arts in T ownsville, | I Australia. | Name: | | Address: | I Phone: (days) (evenings) I j Area of Expertise: : — | I To receive an application form, mail your eoupon to Momi Naughton e/o Julee Abe, Kamehameha j Schools, Special Events Department, Midkiff Learning Center, Kapalama Heights, Honolulu, Hawai'i j 96817. I Or telephone Momi Naughton at 988-4665 (evenings) for more information.