Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1988 — Red Cross Fund Appeal to Aid Flood Victims [ARTICLE]
Red Cross Fund Appeal to Aid Flood Victims
The American Red Cross, Hawaii State Chapter, is appealing for monetary donations to raise an emergency disaster fund of $600,000 needed to help victims of the New Year 1988 flood statewide. Martin Schi!ler, Chapterchairman,said donations are being called for to supplement loeal and national Red Cross funds currently being expended to provide emergency assistance. The Red Cross is providing free help to families and individuals in the form of food, clothing, shelter and medical care. It also is providing funds for basic essential furnishings, rent, minor home repairs, transportation, health needs, oeeupational supplies and other emergency needs. The Red Cross was recognized as the official voluntary relief agency for disaster victims by Mayor Frank F. Fasi on January 4, 1988. Emergency Services Coordinator Rock Ahulau of the Hawaii State Chapter said that more than 800 persons received emergency care in the first few days after the flood. Donations should be sent in care of the Amenean Red Cross, P.O. Box 3948, Honolulu, HI 96812, for "flood damage."