Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 2, 1 Pepeluali 1988 — Ground Broken for New Maʻili Center [ARTICLE]
Ground Broken for New Maʻili Center
Ground was broken Nov. 28for the St. Phillip's Family and Education Center on the grounds of St. Phillip's EpiscopaI Church in Ma'ili. The building, whieh is being donated by St. Phillip's, will serve as a base of operation for family and education programs sponsored by the church, Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate and Child and Family Services ine. The new center is expected to be open by this summer. Rev. George Lee, pastor of St. Phillip's, said the church will use about one-third of the 11,000 square-foot building for "programs thatsupport or enhanee family life in Wai'anae. The way it is set up now, Kamehameha Schools will focus on educational services and Child and Family Services ine. will take care of family needs. The church will institute other programs according to community needs." Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate will lease a portion of the building to use as a child development center. From here Kamehameha will operate a home visiting program for Hawaiian families with children in the 0-2 age group; atraveling preschool for 2 and 3-year-olds; and a center-based preschool for 4-year-olds. When fully staffed, KS/BE will serve 80 preschoolers at the center, 90families through home visits and another 120 through the traveling preschool. Child and Family Services ine., whieh operates Hale Lokahi in Wai'anae, will relocate its offices to the new center. Established in 1967, this private agency currently serves more than 600 Wai'anae Coast families. Various state and city government officials, community leaders and principal executives of all organizations involved participated in the ceremonies.