Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1988 — Hawaii Exhibit Big Hit in Alabama [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Hawaii Exhibit Big Hit in Alabama
Between 10,000 and 11,000 visitors took in the fifth annual Mobile International Festival Nov. 6-7 and most if not all of them visited the Hawaii exhibit put on by the Gulf Coast Hawaiians headed by Tari Kehaulani Sortino. Dresident.
Formerly a one-day affair, the festival this year was held over two days and Sortino reports that "it went a lot better this year." She said everyone had time to prepare their foods and put out all the information and sale items. The Festival, whieh was held at the Mobile Munieipal Auditorium, featured food from 16 countries, dancers,
singers and cultural booths and exhibits. It also featured a parade of flags and the Gulf Coast Hawaiians were very mueh in it with a Hawaiian flag. The club this year received help from many sources to make its booth the best ever. There were donations
of brochures and materials from various elements of the Hawaiian community to whieh Sortino extends her very warm mahalo. The club received its first loeal media exposure through the May, 1987, issue of Ka Wai Ola O OHA. Sortino chaired the event and has been asked to again head up the 1988 exhibit.
Hawaiian qullts were among the many island items on display in the Gulf Coast Hawaiians' booth. Brochures and other handouts are on table. Working in the booth from left to right are Franklin Lelaloha, Mrs. Gene Bayer, William Hulhui, a youth worker and Marcia Autterson to far right.
Slster and brother Tori and Franklin Lelaloha and Yaneth Fuqua proudly carry the Hawaii bannerand Hawalian flag in the parade of flags during the Mobile, Ala., lnternational Festival. The Leialohas are the children of Tari Kehaulani Sortino, formerly of Hawaii and now a resident of Eight Mile, Ala.
Another display from the Hawaii exhibit shows posters, photos and other publlcity on Hawaii. Members of Gulf Coast Hawaiians answered many questions and exhibit proved popular.