Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1988 — Volunteers in Action [ARTICLE]
Volunteers in Action
By Solomon Loo, Director Volunteer and Internship Program Three new volunteers are generously donating their time and energy to important Office of Hawaiian Affairs activities.
Kealoha Abe of Ewa Beach is doing work in the Land and Natural Resources Division whieh enables OHA to be informed of events that impact Hawaiians on the neighbor islands. This is done by creating a file of articles from newspapers from the neighbor islands. David Makuakane of Kailua spent a few days in early December delivering Ka Wai Ola O OHA. Over 3,000 papers were delivered to schools, community centers and agencies interested in OHA. Makuakane said that "people seem to look forward to getting the newspaper eaeh month, and appreciate getting them." Rodney Chiogioji of Nuuanu is aloeal free-lance artist who is doing the artwork for OHA publications. He is currently working on OHA's Master Plan and on other oroiects.
OHA thanks these three talented and generous individuals along with those of you who continue serving OHA in many different constructive ways. Last month's response to OHA's VolunteerProgram request for help was very gratifying. At this time, if you have experience or interest in the following areas, your contribution will be greatly appreciated: 1. Writing business plans. 2. Analyzing bills during the 1988 legislative session. 3. Monitoring legislative committe hearings. 4. Doing general clerical tasks. This is just a partial listing of volunteer positions available. Please eall the OHA Honolulu office, 946-2642, or 261-3285.