Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 5, Number 1, 1 Ianuali 1988 — Ho ʻolokahi, 'Year of Hawailan' Celebrations January 23 at Aloha Stadium Mark First Coming Together of Hawaiians in 168 years! Five-Hour Spectacular Starts at 3 P.M. [ARTICLE]
Ho ʻolokahi, 'Year of Hawailan' Celebrations January 23 at Aloha Stadium Mark First Coming Together of Hawaiians in 168 years! Five-Hour Spectacular Starts at 3 P.M.
Picture if you will the sounding of 100 pahu drums and the largest group of halau hula ever assembled in recorded Hawaiian history and you have an idea of what's in store for you and your families on Saturday, Jan. 23, starting at 3 p.m. at Aloha Stadium. It is the final event for the Year of the Hawaiian and the beginning of Hawaiian Unity Day or Ho'olokahi (to unify and eome together). The special date marks the closing of the Makahiki or Hawaiian year rather than the Western version.
The stadium gathering calls for all Hawaiians, Hawaiians-at-heart and supporters to join in an enrichment and unity day for Hawaiians — a coming together of Hawaiians for the first time in 168 years. Admission is free by ticket only whieh will be available to members of Hawaiian Civic Clubs, Hawaiian benevolent groups, community associations on Hawaiian Homestead Lands from their respective officers; and members of all participating hula halau from their respective kumu hula. Also to personnel of Bishop Estate/Kamehameha Schools from the school. The public may get tickets from the Aloha Stadium and Bishop Museum box offices; Sears, Roebuck and Company customer convenience centers; neighbor island offices of the Office of Hawaiian Affairs; and Topgallant Publishinq Company.
Contributions of money, goods, materials and people power continue to be needed. The OHA telephone switchboard is ringing with organizations, unions and individuals who eall in every day to pledge their support. The goaI of OHA, whieh is sponsoring this gigantic event, is to fill Aloha Stadium with 50,000 Hawaiians, Hawaiians-at-heart and supporters. The parking fee of $3 cannot be waived and those using the Stadium parking must pay this amount. Aloha Flea Market owner Anthony 0'Brien is helping the oecasion by giving up his regular swap meet that day. There will be Hawaiian food and refreshments for a bargain price of $2. A musical and entertainment extravaganza rounded up by Don Ho will provide continuous enjoyment for all along with the performances of the largest gathering of hula halau at one single event.
All this is being done by a committee headed by Charles Heen, chairman of the board of Charles Heen and Associates. Serving with Heen on the organizing committee are OHA Board Chairman Moses K. Keale Sr., OHA Administrator Kamaki A. Kanahele III, Don Ho, Hawaii's premier entertainer; Federal Judge Sam King; Kina'u Boyd Kamali'i, State Health Planning Director; John Dominis Holt, publisher and author; Oswald K. Stender, chief officer, Campbell Estate; Rev. William Kaina; Dick Howard, producer and director; Richard Robertson, Charles Heen and Associates; Edward Miehelman, OHA Public Information Officer; and Barbara Yuen, OHA office manager, committee secretary. Offers of kokua have eome from many neighbor island groups and individuals who will be on hand to ensure the success of Ho'olokahi. Contributions of money and people power are coming from the many ethnic groups whieh make up Hawaii.
VOLUNTEER DONORS Wholehearted volunteer commitments have been received by OHA from the following unions, organizations, individuals and groups: • Trustees, Bishop Estate/Kamehameha Schools. • Hawaii Government EmpIoyees Association, AFSCME Loeal 152, AFL-CIO, Russell K. Okata, Executive Director. • Hawaii Firefighters Association, Black Perry. • International Longshoremen and Warehousemens Union (ILWU), Tommy Trask. • Operating Engineers, Wally Lean. • Carpenters Union, Walter Kupau.
• Plumbers International and Building Trades Couneil, Herbert Kaopua. • Masons, Wilbert Eguchi. • Ironworkers, Edison Keomaka. • Painters, John Montrone. • Sheetmetal Workers, Howard Tasaka • Mr. and Mrs. Sanford Kaneda, Kaneda's Foods. • Blackie Wong, Wong and Wong Restaurants. • Bob Lew, Marriott Corporation. • Daiei Corporation, Haliday Mart.
• Otaka Ine. • Mrs. Kenji Osano, Kokusai Kogyo Company Ltd. • Keisuku Horiike, Diamond Head Papaya Company. • Henry J. Walker Jr., Amfac ine. • Robert Iwamoto, Robert's Tours. • Robert J. Pfeiffer, Alexander and Baldwin. • Laborers Union, Norman Kamau Janicki Jr. • J. R. Burns, Grayline Hawaii. • Clarence Cordeiro, Cordeiro Enterprises (Maui). • Colin Cameron, Maui Land and Pineapple Company. • Donald Tokunaga and Frank Munoz Martin, Laneo ine. (Maui). • Pukalani (Maui) Superette. The list continues to grow and was still growing as this issue went to press. There are many other individuals and groups working behind the scenes who have requested anonymity. It takes these kinds of people and organizations to put an affair like this together. As of this writing, the following hula halau and their kumu hula have committed to perform. Others were still calling in their confirmation. The halau are coming from all the islands.
HULA HALAU • Puamana Hula Studio, Puluelo Park. • Halau Hula O Kekauilani, Kekauilani Kalama. • Hula Halau 'O Leolani, Leolani Pratt. • Halau O Waimea, Piilani Lua Plemer. • Halau Hula Olana, Howard and Olana A'i. • Magic Hula Studio, Lorraine Daniels. • Halau Hula O Ka Wai Maluhia, Keoni Jenny. • Hau'oli Hula Studio, Leilani Mendez. • Hu'i Park's Hula Studio, Hu'i Park. • Kealiika'apunihonua Ke'ena A'o Hula, Leimomi Ho and Tony Conjugacion. • Ka Hale O Pele Hula Halau Me Na Kealoha O Polynesia Elua, Daniei Kaaihue. • Hula Halau O Pohai Kealoha, Kealoha Kalama. • Na Hanona O Ka Halau Hula Pa Ola Kapu, John Lake. • Halau Hula Puka 'i Kapuaokalani, Ellen Castillo. • Hula Halau O'Kehikilaulani, Ray Fonseca. • Pukalani Hula Hale, Charles and Nina Maxwell. • Halau Na Punahele O Lahua Kai O Moana, Ed
Kalahiki. • Halau Hula O Mllilani, Mililani Allen. • Puanani Alama Hula Studio, Puanani Alama. • Halau O Kahanuola, Lydia Kauakahi. • Halau Hula O Kilihune, Al Barcarse. • Hula Halau O Kawaili'ula, Chinky Mahoe. • Hula Halau O Kamuela, Paleka Leinaala Mattos. • Ladies of Kahanakealoha/Men of Maluikeao, Frank Palani Kahala. • Hui Ho'oulu Aloha, Cy Bridges. • Na Wai Eha O Puna, Thaddius Wilson/Obrien Eselu. • Keolalaulani Halau Olapa O Laka, Aloha Dalire. • Halau Ho'oulumau Kailima, Kawai. • Shauna Ngum of Maui. • Hula Halau 'O Mokihana, Kupuaoe Williamson. • Malamalama O Ka Mahina, Momi Palmieri. Come and be a part of this thrilling spectacle. Thrill to the sounds of 100 pahu in unison and be enthralled with the special opening ceremonies never before performed in such a manner for the last 168 years.