Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 December 1987 — Celebrate Hoʻolako and Hoʻolokahi January 23. [ARTICLE]
Celebrate Hoʻolako and Hoʻolokahi January 23.
Seminar to Discuss Ka'u Report
A Ha'aheo O Hawai'i Seminar on Ka'u: University of Hawaii Hawaiian Studies Task Force Report was scheduled for Saturday, Dec. 5, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the Princess Ruth Ke'elikolani Auditorium on the upper campus of Kamehameha Schools.
The seminar is sponsored by the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs headed by President Benson W.K Lee Sr., and the Oahu District Council AOHCC with uila Medeiros as president. It is being given by the Kamehameha Schools Extension Education Division and the University of Hawaii systems. The University in 1986 convened a task force eomprised of UH faculty with representation from different campuses and islands to do the following: • Review the direction and commitment of the UH systems to traditional Hawaiian culture and to Hawaiians.
• ldentify problems or obstacles whieh deter the commitment to Hawaiian culture and to the education of Hawaiians. • Recommend solutions whieh the UH ean undertake to overcome these problems and obstacles. The entire Task Force met for nearly six months in 1986 with community groups and leaders, UH facuity
and scholars in Hawaiian language and culture. During its deliberations, the Task Force identified five major issues whieh needed to be addressed: • Student recruitment and retention. • Faculty recruitment and retention. • Curriculum needs. • Research priorities. • Facilities. • University service to the Hawaiian community. All of these subject matters will be discussed during the plenary session in the morning half of the program with small group sessions scheduled for the afternoon to wrap up and get proceedings reports.
Among seminar participants are Sen. Malama Solomon, chairperson, Senate Higher Education Committe; Gladys Ainoa Brandt, chairperson, UH Board of Regents; Dr. Albert Simone, UH President; Anthony Marsella, UH Vice President; Dr. Kekuni Blaisdell, Lilikala Dorton, Larry Kimura and Haunani Trask, UH faculty. Dexter Keala Soares, chairman of the AOHCC Education Committee, is in charge of the seminar. He is being assisted by Candace C. Hurley of Alu Like ine. and Bob Lindsey, Hawaiian Civic Political Action Committee (HACPAC).