Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1987 — Pahukini Rededication Needs Original Chants [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Pahukini Rededication Needs Original Chants
A rededicaton ceremony is currently being planned for the Pahukini Heiau in Kailua, and organizers would like to invite anyone in the community to create and/or perform an original chant for the heiau at the program.
Pahukini is reputed to be one of the five heiau built by the high chief Olopana at the beginning of the 12th eentury, and its name refers to a multitude of temple drums associated with the site. Organizers would like to get as many chanters together as possible to recreate the sound and spectacular image of many temple drums beating together as one. For more information, please eall Noble Napoleon at 261-0991.
Organizers hope to have a multitude of pahu chanters participate in a rededication ceremony at the recently cleared Pahukini Heiau in Kailua. The program is pianned for sometime in February.