Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1987 — Three Have Attended All 28 Conventions [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]
Three Have Attended All 28 Conventions
Three Hawaiian Civic Club members who have attended all 28 conventions of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs were recognized during one of the breaks in the deliberations at the Union Plaza Hotel and Casino in downtown Las Vegas. They were George Richardson, oldest male member of the association at 85, Irma Farden and Dr. George Hiilani Mills. Richardson is the long reigning president of the Ewa Hawaiian Civic Club; Mrs. Farden is from the Hawaiian Civic Club of Honolulu and Dr. Mills from Koolauloa HCC. Dr. Mills serves on the AOHCC board of directors as president emeritus.
A1 Pelayo and Winifred Smith of the host 'Ahahui O Lili'uokalani HCC served as co-chairpersons of the eonvention whieh also included social and recreational activities. Highlight of the social program was the Royal Centennial Ball the final night of the convention. It featured an authentic Hawaiian pageant honoring the Royal family. There were awards for the best traditional, modern and original holoku creations; the best dressed female; and the best attired male. Ballroom dancing followed the pageant.
Irma Farden and George Richardson, along with Dr. George Hiilani Mills, have attended all 28 AOHCC conventions. Dr. Mills was unavailable when this photo was taken.