Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 December 1987 — Apoliona Solo Album Links Generations [ARTICLE]
Apoliona Solo Album Links Generations
Haunani Apoliona, singer, musician, composer and Hawaiian language scholar in her own right, has created a musical album linking the thoughts, impressions and artistic renderings of several generations. "Na Lei Hulu Makua, Na Wahine Hawai'i," (the Cherished Adornments of Our Ancestors, the Women of Hawai'i) is Apoliona's first solo effort after four group albums. It is now available on LP and cassette wherever records are sold.
In the album, she has added the works of Helen Desha Beamer, Haunani Bernardino, Malia Craver, Lydia Keku'ewa, A'ima Aluli McManus, Edith McKinzie and Mary Kawena Puku'i — friends and revered kupuna — to her own compositions. Guest artists in addition to Bernardino are Calvin Ioane Hoe, Jay Larrin, Aaron Mahi, Peter Moon, Marlene Sai, Jerry Santos, Patricia Gooch, Luana Hopkins, Andrea Keohokapu, Lyanne Naipo, Mapuana Ringler, Kuhai Halau O Kawaikapuokalani Pa 'Olapa Kahiko.
The recording lists the following: Side One — 'Ano Ai, Na Moku Kaulana, Hana by the Sea, Na Kuahiwi 'Elima/Kimo Hula, Alu Like. Side Two — Kukui'ohiwai, Ho'oluli Noho Paipai, A Song for Mom, Hoa I Ka Rain Tuahine, Na Lei Hulu Makua, Na Wahine Hawai'i, He Mau Mana'o Pono'i. Apoliona is director of Alu Like ine., O'ahu Island Center at 524 Cooke St.