Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1987 — Page 13 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]
Limited Edition Centennial Coins and Jewelry Kamehameha Schools/Bishop Estate
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Three unique limited edition coins and jewelry keepsakes are being offered by Kamehameha Schools during their 100th anniversary celebration. The coins, eaeh offered in bronze, silver or gold, feature the likenesses of Kamehameha the Great (K), Bernice Pauahi Bishop (P), and her husband Charles Reed Bishop (C) [see mail order form]. The coins weigh one troy ounee, are numbered and registered, and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity and a descriptive booklet. Koa display boxes are also available.
Also available is an 18k gold dime-sized Pauahi eoin, whieh comes mounted on koa in a velvet box. This eoin is also available as a pendant with a ehoiee of two mounting styles. You may order any of these elegant keepsakes by completing the order form below and forwarding with your eheek to: Kamehameha School Store, Kamehameha Schools, Kapālama Heights, Honolulu, HI 96817. Include postage and handling fees and allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. Coin orders may also be placed and picked-up at the School Store, weekdays, 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. PRICES VALID THROUGH JANUARY 1988
MAIL ORDER FORM No. of Items Description Price 'k p |~ Bronze eoin @ $15 Silver eoin @ $39 Gold eoin (on request) Sgl Trpl Koa display box @ $25 Pauahi Pendant plain @ $110 screwtop mount @ $135 rope mount @ $200 SUBTOTAL Shipping/Handling add $2 per item TOTALDUE
□ I will piek-up my order at the School Store □ Please mail my order to: Name Address Zip Code Day telephone