Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1987 — Page 7 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Kōkua No ke kikokikona ma kēia Kolamu

Jl\ Celebrating the / Ell of the Hawaiian/ Hl I 9 j \ I W B I

l9k\ |f|: w «1 m m rM$B£ 5°1 |i kiy|P OFF I I 0RIGINAL POI I PANCAKE MIX I H (20 ee. box) I SL LMT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE GROCER Aeeepe tf*s eoepon from the consuner on the pmchase o I ary 20-ee box of Taro Srand Ongnal Paneake NA* \M» wi rentxne >ou the tace vabe o ( tr*s cou*n 8€ 'anin, Qxfxn may ncx oe fisgw e* u^eJe"eC Any cer jse consaum fraucJ vixJ wneie prontwtJ ta«d or meiew oy law K)equx proof-of-puchase must Oe submrtted ipon n»quest Consumer pays any saies tax Cash va)ue 1/100« Mat to HONOLULU PCH CO . LTD . 288 LBBY ST . HONOUAU. Hf 96819 ■■IIH 0FFER EXPIRES: 1ANUARY 31, 1988 ■■■ *

Mahalo a Nui Loa / i|l H0N0LULU POI C0„ LTD. W:>| 1 "Hawaii's Largest Poi Producers' I 0ther products include: Lomi Salmon, I I OFF Taro Brand poi mmm (20 oz. bag) LIMIT ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE GROCER Accept the eoupon from the consumer on the purchase of any 20-oz bag of ITaro Brand \AA? wl rerTtx»se you the face value of the eoupon pkjs 84 narxJng Coi4Xxt may noe oe ass^T«3 or oanslenK3 Ary other use consotuors fraud Mxl whete prohtm) tawJ ot mmoeO Dy law AtJequate proof-of-purchase must oe suxnttea upon request Consumer pays any sales tax Cash value 1/1004 M ai tD HONOLULU POI CO. LTD. 288 LBBY ST. HONOLULU, Hl 96819 ■■■■ 0FFER EXPIRES: JANUARY 31, 1988 ■■■■

f~ ĪS LAN D~M Ā NA~P~UA ~ ) 4lb ANNIVERSARY SALE AT MAN0A 10% off on any purchase over $5.00 Bring this eoupon to Manoa or Gu#dt til Dec. 31 Wholesale anel Retail Manapua Special daily plate luneh at Manoa Manoa- Mon.-Sat. 8:30a.m.-8fl0p.m. Sun. 8:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. GuliCk - Mon.-Sat. 7fl0a.m.-2S0p.m. | Sun/Holidays 730a.m.-1200

Celebrating ^lppp Year Of The <33 Hawaiian Mele Kalikimaka me ka Hau 'oli Makahiki Hou - from all of us at - DAVEfS ICE CREAM Gift certificates - Great as stocking stuffers!

■ Also Availabie: Oahu: Shirokiya Marukai Tanioka Fish Market lee Garden (Gib6on's) Gems V. ...

Maui: Ah Fook Supermarket Shirokiya Ooka Supetmarket Molokai: Kualapuu Market Molokai Wine & Spirits Unlimited j



K FOR HAWAII, ITS HERITAGE, ITS PEOPLE V nwsiE5j!nn I j^^^^^^^J^^For^uaJ^s/arJJresi^ork^Jor/^roduct^a//^36J53^^^