Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 December 1987 — Some Requirements Listed for Dr. Mills Fellowship Program [ARTICLE]
Some Requirements Listed for Dr. Mills Fellowship Program
The Dr. George Hiilani Mills Fellowship Award, established at the 28th Annual Convention of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs Nov. 12- 14 in Las Vegas, Nev., is a monetary grant to a classified student attending an accredited university j pursuing professional studies in the school of medicine.
The institution of study may be loeal, national or international universitieS. In order to get a fellowship award, a student applicant must demonstrate academic and scholarly potential in the field of medicine. The applicant must also demonstrate financial need as indicated on the Financial Aid Form Need Analysis Report of the College Scholarship Service. Purpose of the fellowship is to:
• Encourage Hawaiian students to apply for i and pursue professional studies in the field of medicine or the allied health related field in aecredited institutions of higher learning in the state, nation and international arena. • Provide fellowship and financial assistance to an outstanding Hawaiian scholar pursuing advance studies in medicine.
• Recognize on behalf of the Association of Hawaiian Civic Clubs those Hawaiian students 1 who have been accepted into graduate degree j programs and maintain the values and traditions of the Hawaiian Civic Club movement. i The applicant must be of Hawaiian or part ! Hawaiian ancestry and must have a potential to complete the programs as demonstrated in transcripts and letters of recommendation. , The program will be administered by the Kamehameha Schools where application forms may be obtained. ■ L /