Ka Wai Ola - Office of Hawaiian Affairs, Volume 4, Number 12, 1 Kekemapa 1987 — Use Spare Time as an OHA Volunteer [ARTICLE]
Use Spare Time as an OHA Volunteer
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs Volunteer Program offers people the opportunity to do something they 've wanted to do by contributing expertise and a genuine willingness to help in the agency's efforts. If anyone has idle time and wants to keep active, then perhaps you should give OHA's Volunteer Program a try. Call Solomon Loo at the OHA Honolulu office, 548-8960 or 946-2642. You may even eall Loo at home, 261-3285.
Current specific needs are persons with broadcast journalism experience; an archaeological researcher; general clerical persons; data researcher; a delivery person for four days a month to distribute Ka Wai Ola O OHA newspapers; typists who will be able to leam word processing; workers to elean heiau in Kaneohe; and contributing writers for the newspaper. These are but a few of the many areas where volunteers are needed. Call Loo for full particulars.